Forty years ago, when the Prize was first founded, hardly anyone spoke of sustainability, the environment, local culture and attention to diversity and minorities. Yet in the founders’ culture and in their choice of winners, all these topics were already there, with a firm belief that they should not be separated from, or even opposed by modernity, industry and civil and economic progress. Today, just like yesterday, therefore, the Masi Prize rewards those who point the way to harmonious progress: men and women who fight to find a way out of contradictions that mark our present, avoiding degrowth or retreat into the past. The 2020 edition takes a particular look at the pandemic, but also goes beyond it, with that faith that has always been the hallmark of our Prize and its interpreters.


La diretta streming della 40° edizione del Premio Masi sarà trasmessa dalla Pieve di San Giorgio di Valpolicella sabato 23 ottobre alle ore 17:30

photos and videos of the ceremony

Discover the pictures and videos of the ceremony live streaming from masi cellars in valpolicella.


The press release, pictures and the profiles of the awarded of the 40° edition.


The awards began in 1981 with the Masi Civiltà Veneta Prize, given to personalities who had their origins in the Venetian territories or with venetian family or venetian by adoption, and who had distinguished themselves in the fields of literature, art, journalism, science, the performing arts and business.