Arcangelo Sassolino

Capturing in the sculptural medium ‘the moment when something is in the process of becoming something else’. This is how Arcangelo Sassolino describes his ‘aesthetics of wonder and instability’. Arcangelo wins the Civiltà Veneta Prize because, the Jury says, he looks to the future with his research and work related to artistic Beauty.

He had his first experiences with movement in matter as a boy in the garage at home. He went on to have many years’ experience in the USA as an inventor of games played by hand before returning to the Veneto. Born in Vicenza, Arcangelo bases his research on his passion for mechanics and the technology for investigating the latent energies of matter. He has held solo and group exhibitions in Paris, Rome, New York and other capitals and cities.

The other winners of the 43rd edition

Pictures and videos of the ceremony

Discover the pictures and videos of the ceremony live streaming from the romanic church in San Giorgio di Valpolicella

Cartella stampa

Il comunicato stampa, le foto e i profili dei premiati della 40° edizione.


Download the press release of the 42nd edition


Il riconoscimento è nato nel 1981 con il Premio Masi Civiltà Veneta, conferito a personalità originarie delle Venezie che si sono distinti nei campi della letteratura, dell’arte, del giornalismo, della scienza, dello spettacolo e dell’economia.