Riccardo Illy

From Trieste, 69 year-old Riccardo Illy has long led the family business, famous for producing top quality coffee. He has not spared himself in what he describes as his civic duty: his successful political career began as mayor of Trieste, then he became President of the Regional Government, and finally a Member of Parliament.

Today, his extraordinary dedication, along with his ethical and cultural entrepreneurial vision, are reflected in the ‘Polo del Gusto’ and in the ‘Incantalia’ stores project, where beauty, sustainability, and quality intertwine harmoniously.

The other winners of the 43rd edition

Pictures and videos of the ceremony

Discover the pictures and videos of the ceremony live streaming from the romanic church in San Giorgio di Valpolicella

Cartella stampa

Il comunicato stampa, le foto e i profili dei premiati della 40° edizione.


Download the press release of the 42nd edition


Il riconoscimento è nato nel 1981 con il Premio Masi Civiltà Veneta, conferito a personalità originarie delle Venezie che si sono distinti nei campi della letteratura, dell’arte, del giornalismo, della scienza, dello spettacolo e dell’economia.